HEY GUYS! ROCK YOUR WORLD CONFERENCE was DA BOMB! It was seriously 'ROCKING', haha i had loads of fun with my group 'BLACKHAWKS!' i know we didn't win we came in 3rd and there were a couple of times we were leading, anyhoo! Well done to the Wild Hogs for being champions, their finale was awesome man! We're ALL CHAMPIONS! :D Joel Feebrey was awesome, like chelle said an awesome man of God, so young and so hawt. hahahahahaha THE ENCOUTER with God was amazing. and we all know that it doesn't stop there but its just the beginning yoh! As Michelle has mention in her blog already, that.... I GOT ACCEPTED INTO LASELLE! :D oh man this is a testimonayyy i have to share with all you readers! its worth the read trust me!
Around feb, i took a trip down with my dad to take a look at the school (Laselle school of arts), i was nervous as i entered the place, it was filled with so much life, from the music to the paintings to the designs of clothing and the art of dance. AND of course the awesome building! Many people were there either listening to the band playing or just having a look see. I went into the admissions and asked the lady for a application form. I didn't have my passport photo and IC which they really needed. I gave them all i had which were my MOCK results (which weren't really THAT good) and my certificates of piano grade 1 and voice grade 4. After applying, the lady scheduled me for an audition on MARCH 13th. I was told that i had to prepare 3 pieces, 1 original composition and 2 other songs. So i went back to Brunei, excited! I told Teacher Sharon about the audition and what i had to prepare, so we got to work IMMEDIATELY.
Not long, i fell really ill (oh my gosh i remember this), i caught the common cold that was going around and dreaded each morning with blocknose and sleepyness. To top it all off, i had courseworks that were dued in a week! :O! i told myself that this is too much i have to go to GOD, so i did. AND MAN!!!! After praying in my room, i slept like a baby and woke up EXCITED for my LONG AND PACKED day. My voice came back thankfully in time to practise. I composed a piece that reflected how that really 'ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST WHO SRENGTHENS US!'
So i was ready and i headed back to Singapore on the 12th of March. I wasn't feeling too well again. However i CHOSE not to think about my sickness. It got pretty worse and my voice began to 'go' during the practise i had with my accompanist in Laselle. I submitted myself unto God and told Him that i'm doing this to glorify Him, and that i can't do it on my own. I had a goodnights rest and woke up on the day of my Audition!
13th March 9.00am, i arrived at Laselle and registered myself. We were esscorted to the room where the auditions were going to take place! I recieved messages wishing me goodluck and everything (THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DID!). When it came to my turn, i faced the teachers with confidence and sang my heart out as though i was singing to God. Although my pitching was a bit off, i smiled and continues singing. When they called me in for individual interview, they said stuff like 'You're still very young...', ' there's still room for improvment...' , ' You've got good potential'. I was very unsure of what they were trying to tell me. I told my dad everything after, flew back that night alone FOR THE FIRST TIME ahahaha, and i felt so much at ease that it was going to be taken care of.
I doubt it a couple of times, but God always came through for me! PRAISE GOD! that i, Melissa who was very sick and small in size( don't know what thats got to do with it but!), got accepted by Laselle School of Arts! I was so happy when my dad rang me up during the conference before praise and worship, and said ' Darling, you got into Laselle! ', i was in shock for awhile. I didn't really react only after the session!
God above it all! :) Thank you for all the 'congratulations!' :D but most of all THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!
I learnt so much! and i hope you readers see that God is just so amazing, its not a religion anymore man! Its a relationship with the most loving caring father ever!!!!! AMEN?!
Sadly, i don't have any pictures from camp. I forgot to bring my camera ( yes for 3 days ). Superduper sorry but i'm sure LOADS of people tooks pictures that you can visit them! :) but OVERALL man the presence of GOD was really there. It was mind-blowing, eye opening, hair- standing, firework explosions! everything! AMAZING.
the colour change - not much changeee x) anyhoojers, i'll update soon! school in how many days? :)
Take care readers!
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molto simpatiche... belle foto!!! :P
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