Thursday, November 22, 2007

Okay! i'm going out soon to p&w practicez! But i thank God for what happened today. :D

First, i was STRUGGLING to find transport to AC2. And i was running out of time. But then God, saved me once again. My brother was allowed to drive so he's going to send me there. Then Nard will be sending me home. :) THANK YOU BERNARD IF YOU ARE EVER GOING TO SEE THIS! :P Sorry for waking you up.

Second, I GOT A POSITION IN CLASS! Finally man! :P Well it isn't much but its just the 6Th position. HAHA. But still, I've been unplaced for almost the whole year except for the First Assessment Test. :D I'm really happy about it. Cause all i wanted was to go up to form 5. And now this! :P MY GOD IS AMAZING! :) <3

Okay, i need to go now. :D


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