Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Finally got the energy and mood to blog. Yesterday was really great. It was productive just like Mel said and fun as well. It's really true when we choose to glorify God even when you're just hanging out, God puts everything else in.

Romans 1:16 says that for I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. The more i thought of it, i should really live out this lifestyle more often. I mean i myself know i am not ashamed of God's Word. But i hardly live it out. Yes, as Mel told you, i was "preaching" by the pool as i wasn't allowed to swim and all. Then those two came up to us. And then we talked about it. And it gave us that nice feeling inside. To know that we're doing something right. It was amazing. :)

Okay then we went to the gym. I hurt my arms. :S Sucks. HAHAHA. But it was good. I felt pumped up after working out. Then we went for dinner where mel got 9 mosquito bites. =D HAHAHA. Overall, it was a really memorable day. Both enjoyable and amazing how we still spent time with God even when we're having fun. :) AWESOMEZ!

this would have turned out cool if i didn't move my phone too fast. We look like we're fading away. :S

mel! :P

Lord..GIMMEAWORD!! :) except i didn't have that face expression. :D

Char! doing the same thing.

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