Saturday, December 8, 2007


Well, schools over and today was probably the first time in a very long time i could sleep in :). However i've got piano/voice later and im actually excited because i'm moving up a level in both subjects! which leads me to my results of my exam! I got DISTINCTIONS for both voice and piano!!! PRAISE GOD MAN! i couldn't have done it without him! i got 91/100 for piano and 92/100 for voice :) anyway! after piano/voice lessons today, i'll be heading to Jess's place to watch movie? and hang out? yes. and eat MUAHAHAHA

okay anyway, Freshwinds was just amazing, mindblowing, wake-up call :) Pastor Satish a powerful annointed man of God came to speak, and the WORD OF GOD that he implied on was really dynamic and i could just feel the presence of GOD flow amoung the congrigation. i'll blog more about his messages the next blog, because i've got loads of things to get through hehe. Yesterdays Acts message was really good! Ling preached about 'water' and 'purity' and having boy and girl relationships. Its true really when its not our time to get married or to be 'serious' in a relationship we shouldnt, because thats when the devil will bring people that will distrupt our walk with GOD and it really just wastes time. She talked about the holy spirit and how its EVERYWHERE we go, GODS presence is always there, so we can never escape it.

i didn't take that many pictures during freshwinds, sorry. but i can tell you i was too busy being in Gods presence to take out my camera and take pictures!

Well, during the last week of School, we had our last PALS session. Okay first, PALS is a group of year 11s that go to year 7 tutor groups on tuesday mornings before they start school and we talk to them, play games and 'bond' :), my tutor group was 7PG. Others that were helping in 7PG were, Charlotte, Jess, Dra and Cathie. So it was the 5 of us. We had so much fun with our tutor got to know them pretty well :) we had our last tuesday morning and we spent it by telling them how it was a pleasure to spend our tuesday mornings with them, and we'll see them around school next year. They made cards for each of us. i found that really sweet, mine said ' to mel, the best pal ever!!!' haahaha

and finally,

yesterday was HOUSE MUSIC FESTIVAL!!!!!! :) Sadly, blue came in 3rd, green in 2nd and red in 1st.

But we had a blast and a good LAST DAY, although it didn't feel like it.

believe it this is my maths class =)

WOOHOO, yes well thats all i've got! till next time :)

Be true,you fool :P

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